FCFP announces grants to 25 regional non-profits

Williamsport, Pa. – The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP) has approved $324,300 in grants to 25 local nonprofits through its competitive grant program. The grants support programs that benefit the residents of Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties.

Eligible non-profits are invited to apply for funding to support projects that promote art and culture; education; health and social services; environmental management; and economic development. FCFP Regional Advisory Board members and staff reviewed each application to determine the areas of service, population served, continuity, community support, demonstrated need, and whether the program is consistent with the grant’s purpose.

This year’s awardees include:

A&B Children’s Theatre: $5,000: Includes a “Nutcracker” event, involving people with disabilities in the performance.

American Rescue Workers, Inc.: $15,000: Fresh Start Program, a long-term employment program for homeless men. This grant will support financial aid to obtain certificates, clothing, transportation, and a stipend for graduation.

Montgomery County: $14,875: ADA-accessible playground and interactive music stations at Montgomery Park, creating an inclusive space for all community members.

Camp Koala: $10,000: Eight grief support groups for six weeks for children, conducted both in schools and at the Miller Center in collaboration with Hospice of Evangelical.

Hungry Children Evangelism Partners: $15,000: Continuation of Backpack and In-School Pantry Programs at Williamsport Middle School, Williamsport High School, BlaST IU17 Academy South Campus Williamsport, and Muncy Junior/Senior High School, and expansion at Curtin Intermediate School in Williamsport.

County of Lycoming: $15,000: Body armor and ballistic shields for the Narcotics Enforcement Unit, replacing equipment that will reach the end of its useful life in February 2025.

Danville Area Community Center: $25,000: Building additions and renovations to create space for 24 children ages 3-5, providing childcare and pre-school services.

The girls at Run Mid State PA: $20,405: Evidence-based, positive youth development program, that promotes girls’ social, mental, and physical health and behaviors to successfully navigate life’s events.

James V. Brown Library: $12,450: Body Language StoryWalk at Young’s Woods Park, a travel and literacy program that places a two-page illustrated children’s book in a community park, facilitating family reading while encouraging outdoor recreation.

Lairdsville Community Volunteer Fire Company: $9,275: Complete set of life-saving cordless, hydraulic, extrication tools for extracting casualties from a confined vehicle.

Lycoming County Library System: $11,025: StoryWalk in Trout Run Park, a walking and reading initiative that places an illustrated, page-by-page children’s book in a community space, promoting family reading while encouraging outdoor recreation.

Lycoming-Clinton Joiner Board: $15,000: Speaking engagement with Chief Justice Broderick whose case will shed light on the stigma of mental illness, create awareness and work to improve access to jobs; “Bridges Out of Poverty” workshop for Jointer staff and community partners creates understanding, skills, knowledge, and motivation to build a sustainable community.

Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company: $14,945: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) and Stop-the-Bleed kits for Fire and EMS vehicles.

Pennsylvania College of Technology’s Community Arts Center: $15,000: Decorative Arts Restoration Project of the historic 1928 structure requires professional restoration professionals to ensure the integrity of the buildings and unique decorative elements of the performance space.

Presbyterian Senior Living: $6,050: Upgraded laundry facilities for residents at Presbyterian Home in Williamsport, a 26-unit personal care community that provides housing, health, and other services for seniors.

Regional Engagement Center: $20,000: Year-Round After-School Drop-In Program provides a safe and supervised environment with snacks, homework help, and recreational activities at no cost to families.

Ronald McDonald House of Danville, Inc.: $5,000: Share-A-Night Program to support parents and families of children who are hospitalized or receiving outpatient care for cancer and other serious illnesses.

Susquehanna Valley CASA – Children’s Voices: $5,800: Volunteer and Community Engagement Portal – a technology-enhanced platform for volunteers, staff, and board or leaders to access educational offerings, tools, resources, and peer support.

The Bloomsburg Salvation Army Service Center: $10,000: Emergency Financial Assistance Program, which provides rent and utility assistance to needy families.

The New Love Center: $15,000: Renovation of a newly acquired warehouse on the Clinton/Lycoming County border, to safely store food and increase capacity to distribute nutritious food to members of the community who are food insecure.

PA changes: $15,000: Individual treatment programs for survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Union County Giving Closet: $5,000: Children’s clothing to fill requests made by families enrolled in the Union County Food Bank.

Unity Collaborative Non-Profit Corporation: $14,475: Teen Mothers Milk Project equips young mothers with the resources to provide human milk to their children during the first 12 months, focusing on breastfeeding and support.

West Branch Arts Consortium: $15,000: Performing Arts Literacy Artists-in-Residence performance with study guides to develop aesthetic understanding, historical view, and critical viewing of arts programming for Jersey Shore Area, Loyalsock Township, and Muncy School Districts.

Williamsport Independent Media, Inc.: $15,000: WXPI Community Radio 97.1 antenna installation at the Pajama Factory in Williamsport, which will improve signal coverage to reach the majority of Lycoming County residents.

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